Wednesday, January 12, 2022

‘Throw Him The F*ck Out’: Howard Stern Lashed Out at Unvaxxed Tennis Star Because That's Who Stern Is Now

‘Throw Him The F*ck Out’: Howard Stern Lashed Out at Unvaxxed Tennis Star Because That's Who Stern Is Now
Brodigan - January 12, 2022 at 08:28AM

It's become clear that the unvaxxed are Howard Stern's new lesbians. In the olden days, the 80s and 90s, before Stern became a corporate sell-out, he discovered that having hot naked girls making out was a ratings winner. Now, attacking people who are either unvaxxed or not living in constant COVID fear is what gets him attention. Stern's gone after Aaron Rodgers. He's found beef with Oprah. Stern's latest target is tennis start and, quote, "f*cknut" Novak Djokovic.

“The first I’ve heard of this guy is that he doesn’t want to get his vaccine. [...] They should throw him right the fuck out of tennis. That’s it. Goodbye.”

“He’s a douchebag. [...] He’s a f*cknut. [...] You should be out of tennis. He doesn’t care about anyone else.”

According to Outkick, who, as a sports site, needs to pretend to care about tennis, Djokovic was at one point banned from entering Australia. He was supposed to compete in the Australian Open, so you can see how that might cause an issue. The tennis star had his Visa pulled because he never got his Faucie Ouchie. Judges got involved. Djokovic won and was granted entry into the country.

Stern knows nothing about sports or tennis, nor does he know who Djokovic is. But he saw the word "unvaccinated" in the news and wanted people to pay attention to him. Stern lashed out accordingly like a good corporate stooge. On behalf of my fellow oldhead GenXers--one who remember drive time on WNNNNNNNNBC--let me say that I'm not mad. But I'm very disappointed.

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