Sunday, January 16, 2022

Pay Attention America: Canada Admits to Tracking 87% of the Population Via Cellphone During Lockdowns

Pay Attention America: Canada Admits to Tracking 87% of the Population Via Cellphone During Lockdowns
Brodigan - January 16, 2022 at 07:46AM

There has been a lot discussed about Australia's insane lockdown policies but let's not sleep on Canada. Commie heartthrob Justin "I Feel Pretty" Trudeau and other leaders did plenty to flex their authoritarian muscles in the name of public health. There were calls to monitor people having conversations in public to curb misinformation. Guidelines were put in place to isolate your children in your own home. Also, the use of a "glory hole" was recommended for people looking to practice safe sex. Now, we hear that Canada was spying on most Canadians via their cellphones. By most, I mean 87% of them.

Conservative MP John Brassard is speaking out.

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