Friday, January 21, 2022

'Two People Got Busted Being Pedophiles': Joe Rogan Unloads on How Bad 'Preposterous' CNN Sucks

'Two People Got Busted Being Pedophiles': Joe Rogan Unloads on How Bad 'Preposterous' CNN Sucks
Brodigan - January 21, 2022 at 07:12AM

Ten bucks say CNN has an open letter from "217 Fact Checkers Who Say Joe Rogan is a Meaniepants" by the end of the day. Except only 14 of them will have ever checked a fact. The rest will be Daniel Dale writing under burner Twitter accounts. It's Friday, and I can think of no better way to get ready for the weekend than two minutes of Rogan defecating on CNN like he just finished off a pound of rare elk and an ounce of the sticky-icky-icky Snoop Dogg left behind.

Rogan was joined by the always engrossing James Lindsay. They discussed how CNN has lost 90% of its audience. Rogan has heard they're going to replace all their opinionate hacks--which is 90% of CNN's employees--with actual news. Joe has his doubts.

"It's not just that it [their programming] sucks. It's that it's preposterous."

"It's also the smugness in which they disseminate propaganda. People know that they're full of shit, and they're doing it with a smugness [that] turns people off. It would turn people off even if they were accurate."

"What are you f*cking saying? You're on the 'news' and you're talking about shaming people?"

CNN has been horrible for years and getting worse, day by day, since Trump was inaugurated. We'll pick up our story with the Rogan/CNN feud. It started when genderless potato head Brian Stelter started getting boo-boo-faced that Joe Rogan was more popular than cable news. Rogan caught the 'rona. CNN lied about him taking a horse dewormer AND dishonestly edited a video to make him look sick. Rogan called them out on it. CNN medical content creator Sanjay Gupta admitted on Rogan's podcast that CNN lied about horse dewormer. Gupta then joined Don Lemon after appearing with Rogan to triple down on CNN's lies. Joe Rogan decided to go scorched to his audience, which dwarfs CNN's.

Brian Stelter most likely woke up this morning, watched this clip, and cried into his second breakfast cheesecake. That's the second whole cheesecake he eats after his usual whole cheesecake for breakfast. It's kind of like a breakfast dessert.

What's most remarkable is the never-ending cycle of denial. At no point will anyone working for CNN look into the mirror and think that mayhaps THEY'RE the problem. They'll instead blame Joe Rogan for pointing out that they're the problem.

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from Steven Crowder Says