Monday, January 10, 2022

CNN Whines Americans Are Living Their Lives, Not Watching CNN: 'People are Tuning Out Cable News'

CNN Whines Americans Are Living Their Lives, Not Watching CNN: 'People are Tuning Out Cable News'
Brodigan - January 10, 2022 at 12:29PM

If you could bottle the lack of self-awareness from this video, call it "Schadenfreude: Eau de Genderless Potato Head," and sell it as a fragrance or a CBD oil... CNN still wouldn't know it existed until they saw it advertised on Fox News. That's a very long sentence just to tell you to inject this video into your veins.

The new thing for the media to do is admit that maybe, just maybe, them broadcasting panic porn might not be working. It coincides with more and more evidence that the misinforming, conspiracy theorizing, right-wing sunuvabitches the left tried deplatforming may have been right about the 'rona all along. Oh, and things are bad for Joe Biden, so the narrative needs to be changed. A CNN panel lead by Senior Media Content Creator Brian Stelter wonders: are we the ones out of touch?

“If people are tuning out what’s going on in cable news … they’re just, you know, ignoring everything and living their lives and we’re not really getting the information that they need to them."

Exhibit Q is January 6, 2022: Fox News spent that day reporting on news that matters to the American people and that the American people actually care about. CNN and MSNBC spent the entire day repeating the Democrat talking points that 1/6/21 was worse than if 12/7/41 hatef*cked 9/11/01 and blew up in the Challenger. Also, CNN attacked Fox News for not reporting on that. Fox News destroyed CNN and MSNBC in the ratings, who spent over 1600 broadcast minutes trying to turn the Capitol Riots into "fetch." SPOILER: There are only 1440 minutes in the day.

You and I both know all the media handwringing will lead to is CNN refusing to admit they're the problem and that they're the ones who suck at life. Until then, pour a glass of wine and slice up the finest cheeses to enjoy videos like this more.

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