Friday, January 14, 2022

Jen Psaki Bombs: Admits Joe Biden's Not the 'Most Effective Messenger'

Jen Psaki Bombs: Admits Joe Biden's Not the 'Most Effective Messenger'
Brodigan - January 14, 2022 at 07:18AM

Thursday was one of those days for which Jen Psaki keeps an emergency bottle of tequila in her desk drawer. Or I'm assuming she keeps an emergency bottle of tequila in her desk drawer. If I had her job and needed to shill for Joe and Kamala every day, I wouldn't meet the press without a few shots in me. Thursday was extra bad. Kamala Harris showed the media why she's terrible at being Vice-President. And the Big Cheese, Joe Biden, failed left and right. He literally failed left (sort of) and right (mostly).

A reporter noted that for all of the President's insulting and othering of the unvaxxed, they're not being convinced to get their Fauci Ouchie. Psaki in a moment of honesty admitted what we all know. Joe Biden sucks at his job.

"What the president also recognizes is that he’s not always the most effective messenger. Everybody in the country’s not looking for him to tell them what to do. He certainly knows that."

He knows that. Yet every day, we see him on the TV set the people who control Joe Biden built OUTSIDE of the White House, telling us what to do. Biden acts like it's his job to tell us what to do. He has old man meltdowns when we don't do what he wants us to do.

The White House Spokessoulessginger went on to say, "What’s most important here is people hearing from local leaders, doctors, people who have different political beliefs out there, conveying clear, accurate information about the effectiveness of these vaccines."

I actually agree that people should listen to their doctors. THEIR doctors and not some schmuck on television. But the problem is not the messenger so much as it is the message. Americans were told if they got their shots, it would end the 'rona. We wouldn't catch it or transmit it. Then we were told, "Ackshually, you might catch it but not transmit it." Then we were told, "Ackshually, you might transmit it, so go back to wearing cloth masks." Then we were told, "Ackshually, cloths masks don't work and you need medical-grade masks." And this week, the CEO of Pfizer said only getting two shots is useless.

Don't get me wrong. Joe Biden IS an ineffective messenger. He sucks at both his job and at life. But in this case, no one seems to know what they're talking about.

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