Friday, January 14, 2022

Joe Biden Has Old Man Meltdown, Accidentally Admits What His Federal Takeover of Elections Is All About

Joe Biden Has Old Man Meltdown, Accidentally Admits What His Federal Takeover of Elections Is All About
Brodigan - January 14, 2022 at 07:51AM

Joe Biden had the worst day of his presidency on Thursday. Well, his second-worst day. The worst day was the day his incompetence in Afghanistan led to thirteen American service members being killed in a terror attack. But Thursday was pretty bad, too. He started off the day begging Big Tech and the media to save him. He ended the day with the Supreme Court giving him an atomic wedgie. In the middle, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema ended Biden's hopes and dreams of nationalizing our elections. If Biden didn't already have (alleged) incontinence issues, he would have pooped himself multiple times.

What made Sinema's speech a real boss b*tch move is that she KNEW Biden was coming to Capitol Hill to convince his party to do what he wanted. She gave the speech WHILE Biden was on his way. That made this impromptu press conference all the more awkward.

"[It's] not just whether or not people get to vote."

We go now to all the people who control Joe Biden watching this in real-time.

But wait, there's more. The most popular president ever--81,000,000 people voted for this nincompoop--was not done.

"[It's about] who gets to count the vote. Count the vote. Count the vote. [...]That's what this is about."

This ENTIRE TIME, Joe Biden has been telling us if you oppose his bill, it's because you don't want people to vote. If you want voter ID, it's because you want to make it harder for people to vote. Anyone who disagreed with Joe Biden was a racist domestic terrorist. Now, in a fit of rage and while he wasn't paying attention, Joe Biden admitted what we all knew. His "voting rights" bill is about controlling who gets to count the vote. HINT: He wants it to be his party.

Methinks there is going to be a clarification from the White House today. Something along the lines of telling us the president didn't mean to say what we know he meant.

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