Thursday, January 27, 2022

'I Have Had It': GOPer Delivers Must Watch Speech Unloading on Dems Who Smear Opponents as 'Racist, Sexist'

'I Have Had It': GOPer Delivers Must Watch Speech Unloading on Dems Who Smear Opponents as 'Racist, Sexist'
Brodigan - January 27, 2022 at 07:04AM

Joe Biden is going to choose a supreme court nominee who checks off one or more of the left's preferred marginalized groups. Or progressive activists are going to choose that person, and Biden will do what he's told. Almost immediately, the left and the media (but I repeat myself) will label any criticism of that nominee--basic criticism on legit constitutional grounds--as racist or sexist. Possibly homophobic or transphobic depending on the search committee. Before people on the right hide under the desk, I hope we all watch this speech from Virginia House of Delegates member Nick Freitas.

The left was calling voters racist even before they elected Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin. Del. Freitas has had enough. He's not alone.

“You had a lot of parents coming to their local elected officials asking questions about what was going on in their schools. And the initial response was, ‘Oh, it’s not there.’"

Pssst...he's talking about CRT. And he's talking about parents like this. Or this.

"And then when they saw evidence that it was, based off of what their kids were coming home and saying to them, and they went back and reissued the concern, then they got told, ‘Oh, well, then you must be a racist.’ Because that has been the repeated narrative coming from certain members of the other side of the aisle. And there’s been a lot of times we’ve sat here politely and just took it.”

Members of the other side of the aisle starting with the President of the United States.

“Mr. Speaker, not this time. I’m tired of it. My constituents are tired of it. Because when these claims are made they’re not just made against Governor Youngkin; they’re not just made against us; they’re made in part against the people that elected to send us here.”

It's not just Virginia. Democrats across the country are facing historic losses thanks to the historic incompetence of the Democratic president. Issue by issue, Democrats are losing. All that remains for the left is attacking officials, voters, and anyone who has an opposing viewpoint as being an -ist guilty of various -isms. The right needs to follow Del. Freitas' lead in saying enough is enough.

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from Steven Crowder Says