Saturday, January 22, 2022

Aaron Rodgers Goes There with Joe Biden: 'I Guess He Got 81 Million Votes'

Aaron Rodgers Goes There with Joe Biden: 'I Guess He Got 81 Million Votes'
Brodigan - January 22, 2022 at 07:13AM

Aaron Rodgers is set to take the field today against the San Francisco 49ers. But before our favorite based quarterback scores points on the gridiron, he scored a few against Joe Biden. Rodgers sat down for an interview with ESPN. They didn't talk much about sports. Rodgers made news this year by not getting vaccinated, catching the 'rona, and getting over it quickly. The media and the left (but I repeat myself) were outraged. Rodgers committed the crime of opposing the narrative while famous.

Biden, while touring tornado damage, spotted someone who lost everything that was wearing a Packers jacket. His words to that person were "your quarterback should get his shots." Aaron was not amused.

"When the president of the United States says, 'This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,' it's because him and his constituents, which, I don't know how there are any if you watch any of his attempts at public speaking, but I guess he got 81 million votes."

"But when you say stuff like that, and then you have the CDC, which, how do you even trust them, but then they come out and talk about 75% of the COVID deaths have at least four comorbidities. And you still have this fake White House set saying that this is the pandemic of the unvaccinated, that's not helping the conversation."

As ESPN points out, Rodgers was talking about a study of about a million or so people, only 36 of whom were vaccinated. And NOT the overall COVID death count. It also proves Rodgers point about incompetent and contradictory messaging. The reason why this study got misrepresented was because of the CDC's lack of communication skills and because that's the way it was presented by the content creators at ABC News.

The study also came out as the experts were starting to admit that "ackshually, there is a difference between dying OF COVID and dying WITH COVID." Something people were saying from the beginning and getting deplatformed or shadowbanned. If our health experts aren't being trusted, they have no one to blame but themselves. That's the overall point Rodgers is attempting to make.

Apropos of nothing, my dream Super Bowl is Bills vs. Packers. The main reason is that it's the Bills Mafia's time. But slightly less important is seeing Aaron Rodgers and Cole Beasley shaking hands on the fifty-yard line, turn to the cameras, and give all the haters the middle finger.

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