Tuesday, January 25, 2022

'You'll Be Missed': Jordan Peterson Tells Neil Young Where to Stick His 'Open Letter' About Joe Rogan

'You'll Be Missed': Jordan Peterson Tells Neil Young Where to Stick His 'Open Letter' About Joe Rogan
Brodigan - January 25, 2022 at 09:13AM

Not since Mothers Against Canada declared war on Terrence and Philip has a Chanucklead been so embroiled in a censorship controversy. Congratulations, Neil Young! Most of us forgot you were still alive, but you proved us wrong when you demanded Spotify remove you from the platform if they don't censor Joe Rogan. Neil Young wanted the smoke. He's getting the smoke in the form of his fellow countryman, Jordan Peterson.

Peterson is siding with his buddy Joe Rogan. And had humbly informed Mr. Young where the elderly rocker can stick his demands.

Peterson's Canadian-on-Canadian beef isn't even the most newsworthy Rogan news this week. That award goes to an over FOUR HOUR PODCAST the two just recorded. No word on when it drops yet. But as someone who makes a living off of that sweet, sweet content, I'll keep you posted.

What's interesting is how one would boycott music if they wanted. To be clear, Peterson is NOT calling for a Neil Young boycott. He's just telling Neil Young to "suck it." Only being more dignified and professional about it than someone like myself would. But it's not like people are rushing out to buy Neil Young CDs. I doubt he's blowing up the Spotify streams; I have a copy of "After the Gold Rush" I bought from a used record store for five bucks. I'll assume IF anyone is spending money on Young content, it's going to the aging hippies behind the register and not Neil Young himself.

It makes you wonder what the point of all this was. Other than for Neil Young to make himself relevant. And to give us the opportunity to laugh at him for it.

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