Monday, January 10, 2022

Miserable Woman Tries Cancelling American Airlines Pilot Over Tiny 'Let's Go Brandon' Sticker on His Luggage

Miserable Woman Tries Cancelling American Airlines Pilot Over Tiny 'Let's Go Brandon' Sticker on His Luggage
Brodigan - January 10, 2022 at 07:11AM

Imagine being such a horrible lifeform you would try getting someone fired over a sticker. That's not a code word for something else: literally, just a sticker like you might have on your laptop. If you could imagine that, you might be Dana Finley Morrison, someone who, as per her Twitter bio, prides herself on being passionate about "reality TV, feminism, and doing the right thing." The right thing in this case--at least according to her brain--is whining to American Airlines that one of their pilots has a tiny "Let's Go, Brandon" sticker on his luggage. Which she spotted while the pilot was standing around minding her own business like Dana should have been doing.

"hey @AmericanAir - y'all cool with your pilots displaying this kind of cowardly rhetoric on their crew luggage hen they're in uniform, about to fly a plane? we are not the only passengers who noticed and were disgusted."

Riiiiight. According to this specimen "other" passengers noticed and were disgusted by a sticker that was so unnoticeable, she had to zoom in just to see it.

Not since CNN cried insurrection and an Associated Press reporter stormed a cockpit have those three little words led to such an overreaction. American Airlines, of course, leapt into action. Or, they humored someone whining on Twitter like they do when you complain about the airline losing your luggage, again. You be the judge.

"Let's Go, Brandon" is, of course, the codeword for "F*ck Joe Biden." It all began when an NBC News reporter claimed to think NASCAR fans chanting "F*ck Joe Biden" were actually chanting "Let's Go Brandon." Most of you reading know that already. To the few who don't, it was a whole to do in 2021.

Once people started criticizing her the way she was criticizing the pilot, Dana shut down her Twitter account. The lesson learned should be if you don't want the smoke, don't come for the smoke. Most likely, Dana will probably storm a dinner asking to speak to a manager when she sees a "Buck Fiden" bumper sticker in the parking lot.

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