Sunday, January 9, 2022

AOC Disappoints Her Fans After Bailing on Amazon Workers’ Protest

AOC Disappoints Her Fans After Bailing on Amazon Workers’ Protest
Joseph Gunderson - January 09, 2022 at 08:33AM

AOC loves the limelight and the adoration of her many social media followers. She feeds off of it. So when she was invited to join in a protest in support of Amazon warehouse workers unionizing, one would assume she’d show, especially if she accepted the invitation. Much to the chagrin of the organizer and fellow protesters, she didn’t.

While attending Rep. Cori Bush’s protest for the eviction moratorium last year, Christian Smalls, an Amazon worker and organizer of the protest, met Rep. Ocasio-Cortez and secured a promise to attend the upcoming event about a week later. But, as Smalls told the New York Post, she backed out only hours before the event was to begin.

“I figured she would follow her word. It was heartbreaking. […] I felt bad for the workers that were excited to see her.”

Who gets excited to see a politician? No one. But AOC isn’t a politician as much as she’s an Instagram influencer who happens to be in a position to mooch off the taxpayer. She probably had better plans. Her office allegedly cited threats against the congresswoman as the reason she would not be present, but it would seem those threats disappeared just in time for the Met Gala only weeks later.

Or maybe there was no threat, and AOC just didn’t have time for some of her plebian followers. Maybe she’s through with the unwashed proletariat and has assumed her role in the revolution as one of the elite leaders. I’m sure it’s a lot more fun to rub elbows with big stars while wearing ridiculous-looking dresses than it is to stand outside a warehouse, screaming into a megaphone.

Regardless of the reason behind her no-show at the protest, Amazon workers felt so dejected that they didn’t even bother sending an invite for their next pro-unionization protest, which occurred on December 15. She wouldn’t have attended anyway because she was busy enjoying a state much better than her own, led by people far smarter than herself.

This isn’t the first time AOC has screwed over the workers of New York. She was instrumental is destroying a deal with Amazon to build another location in the city that would have created thousands of jobs. But AOC no good at economics, even with her expensive little undergraduate degree that she still whines about having to pay for.

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