Friday, January 28, 2022

Judge in Loudoun County Rape Case Reverses Course, Won’t Make Rapist Register as a Sex Offender

Judge in Loudoun County Rape Case Reverses Course, Won’t Make Rapist Register as a Sex Offender
Joseph Gunderson - January 28, 2022 at 07:38AM

In a move that boggles the mind, Judge Pamela Brooks has reversed her previous decision sentencing the Loudoun County “boy in a skirt” to register for life as a sex offender. Now, she says she made a mistake.

The Daily Wire reports, the boy was found guilty of two counts of sodomy and is serving supervised probation at a locked juvenile facility until he turns 18. Among the voices who swayed the judge were the probation officer and one of the boy’s attorneys.

Jason Bickmore, the probation officer, argued that “studies showed teenage sex offenders who register were more likely to re-offend.” He said the move would be counterproductive to the boy’s rehabilitation.

Caleb Kershner, who served as one of the attorneys for the boy and a member of the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors, painted the boy as a victim of the system who only received such a harsh punishment due to the media attention paid to his case.

“We are setting him up for failure. […] We’ve never concentrated on [the boy] — we’re not even giving this young man a chance.”

This bleeding-heart nonsense was enough to change the judge’s opinion, which is strange after saying at his sentencing, “Over the years this court has read many psychosexual reports, and when I read yours, frankly, it scared me. It scared me for you, it scared me for society.”

But after hearing the pleas of those advocating for the boy, the judge said, “This court made an error in my initial ruling. […] The court is not vain enough to think it’s perfect, but I want to get it right.”

I’m pretty sure you had it right the first time, lady.

For her part, Commonwealth Attorney Buta Biberaj continued to push for the boy to register as a sex offender until the age of 30.

The first victim’s father also spoke at the hearing, expressing his anger with the justice system and the attorney’s office, both of which failed his daughter and the other victims.

“The person who committed these horrible crimes against these three young women will not have to bear the shame at being known as a lifetime registered sex offender, as he was originally sentenced. […] Rather, we are now concerned more than ever that this change in his legal status may put other parents’ daughters at risk of harm in the future.”

The judge’s lack of a backbone to enforce a more-than-justified sentence is appalling. To imagine this violent criminal will eventually walk the streets free without having to register as a sex offender is enough to make one’s blood boil. And as I read such news, I can’t help but wish we could do well learning some lessons from Russia.

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