Tuesday, January 18, 2022

'If Aliens Landed Tomorrow...': GOP Senator Gives Perfect Analogy to Joe Biden's Failures

'If Aliens Landed Tomorrow...': GOP Senator Gives Perfect Analogy to Joe Biden's Failures
Brodigan - January 18, 2022 at 09:23AM

Louisiana Senator John Kennedy is a national treasure. He's a lyrical poet. Or, he at least has very good writers. If Senator Kennedy was a rapper, you would yell out "BARS!" whenever he drops a new phrase or expression on Fox News. What follows is a perfect example. Sen. Kennedy was waxing poetic about how bad Joe Biden su-diddly-ucks at being president and at life. Kennedy posed the important question, just what the deuce would we do if aliens landed.

"The Biden administration has mismanaged COVID. It has mismanaged inflation. It has mismanaged the border. And it has mismanaged foreign policy. All in one year. If aliens landed tomorrow and said 'take me to your leader,' it would be embarrassing."

I have to fact-check Senator Kennedy on one thing. It's true that Joe Biden has mismanaged his response to the 'rona, the inflation issue, as well as foreign policy. But Joe Biden has NOT mismanaged our southern border. What's happening on the border is exactly what Joe Biden wants to happen. Or, at the very least, what the people who control Joe Biden want to happen. Maybe they're the aliens and got confused by what the word "alien" means in United States law. Nothing would surprise me at this point.

Of course, the last time aliens landed and came looking for our leader, it was in the movie Mars Attacks (1996) and they blew up Congress. President Jack Nicholson had this to say:

BASED Dana White Defends Rogan Against Media GESTAPO | Louder With Crowder youtu.be

from Steven Crowder Says