Monday, January 10, 2022

CDC Director Shares Shocking Details How Many 'Rona Deaths Had Comorbidities... and HOW MANY Comorbidities

CDC Director Shares Shocking Details How Many 'Rona Deaths Had Comorbidities... and HOW MANY Comorbidities
Brodigan - January 10, 2022 at 09:12AM

There are some videos that you need to share and walk away from. If you are a regular reader of the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website, you're familiar with the word "comorbidities." You're also familiar with the idea that there's a difference between someone dying "of" the 'Rona and "with" the 'Rona. Those of us who have been criticizing the media narrative have mentioned those two things. We've also been called some combination of conspiracy theorists, misinformation spreaders, and/or jerks who want people to die.

Simply put, a comorbidity is something wrong with you that may make you more susceptible to dying from a virus. Say, for instance, you were a fat f*ck, and because you're a fat f*ck you also had diabetes and heart problems. That would be three comorbidities and would make the 'Rona more dangerous than it would be for those who took care of themselves. All the things Anthony Fauci thought in 2019. You and I can't bring any of this up because we aren't experts,

But CDC Director Rochelle Walensky?

I'm Coming Back With a Vengeance. Watch Out YouTube. See You Tuesday

from Steven Crowder Says