Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Jordan Peterson Tells Hilarious Story of 'Most Woke Activist Activist of All Time,' Joe Rogan Dies Laughing

Jordan Peterson Tells Hilarious Story of 'Most Woke Activist Activist of All Time,' Joe Rogan Dies Laughing
Joseph Gunderson - January 26, 2022 at 09:05AM

So few podcasts are actually worth watching. Louder with Crowder is obviously paramount amongst this exclusive club, but a close second is “The Joe Rogan Experience.” And when Rogan has on a guest like Jordan Peterson, boy, buckle your seatbelts because it’s going to be a helluva ride.

One doesn’t usually associate Peterson with a good belly laugh—he’s more the kind of guy who makes you sit in silence and contemplative thought as he explains deep mysteries—but he’s a well-rounded man, and he had Rogan—a comedian, mind you—laughing hysterically as he explained the most woke activist he’s ever had to contend with.

“I’m hoping this debate is released soon because one of the people on the other side who was rallying against meat delivered the most preposterously, unsatirizable, politically correct rant…”

Oh, this should be good.

“She said the reason we’re bombarded with images of sexy chickens and sexy cows is because we feminize our farm animals before devouring them.”

Joe Rogan: *record scratch* “Hold please! Are we bombarded with images of sexy chickens?”

“Yeah. It was something, man. I tell you—I swear, I am not exaggerating this—I’ve never heard a speech like that in my life. In its own way, it was like an ultimate work of art. It was just something beyond comprehension. Every trope, every politically correct trope you could possibly imagine was magnified beyond its normal range of reference and then applied in this utterly scatter-shot—It was like she brought every ideological tool in the playbook, randomly, to this issue.”

I never thought Jordan Peterson would attempt to make it as a comedian after quitting his job as a professor at the University of Toronto. Did anyone else see that coming?

It truly was a hilariously funny bit, but though Peterson’s anti-meat activist may have delivered what may objectively be held up as the platonic form of the woke tirade, it seems as if such irrationally inane word salads are becoming the general standard on the left. There’s no doubt—at least in my mind—that we will all soon have a story of equal hilarity to share in no time at all.

I am curious, however, in the same way Rogan was: I don’t think I’ve ever seen sexy depictions of farm animals in advertising… or anywhere for that matter. What kind of stuff was this activist lady into?!

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from Steven Crowder Says