Thursday, January 27, 2022

Teachers’ Union Partners With Left-Wing ‘Fact-Checker’ to Help Students ‘Spot Disinformation’

Teachers’ Union Partners With Left-Wing ‘Fact-Checker’ to Help Students ‘Spot Disinformation’
Joseph Gunderson - January 27, 2022 at 09:57AM

I don’t trust the teachers’ unions. I don’t trust them to know how to properly teach my child how to do basic arithmetic, let alone teach them how to discern fact from fiction. Most teachers can’t even tell you the difference between a boy and a girl. They aren’t exactly the kind of people to be grounded in reality. So, when a teachers’ union decides to partner with a ‘fact-checking’ organization, I seriously doubt it’s for anything but political reasons.

The American Federation of Teachers, Axios reports, is teaming up with NewsGuard, “a service that uses trained journalists to rate news and information sites.” NewsGuard will be licensed out to the teachers of the union to be disseminated to their students in the hopes that they use it to “spot disinformation” on the internet.

Randi Weingarten—who, you might remember, has been thanking her lucky stars the union controls the White House to keep Critical Race Theory in schools—says, “We are constantly trying to help our students, particularly our middle, high school and postsecondary students, separate fact from fiction, as we help them develop their critical-thinking and analytical skills.”

Yes, I’m sure. I’m sure Weingarten wants students who are critical thinkers, so long as their thinking toes the left-wing party line. We know the unions don’t much appreciate dissent. But as I alluded to at the beginning, this is all political. Even Axios writes that the union hopes to make their students into “more thoughtful and better-informed citizens and voters,” which may sound fine and dandy if it wasn’t the left using those words in that order.

They want leftists. They want students to be good little Democrats who vote blue all the way down-ticket because that’s what they believe “thoughtful and better-informed citizens” would do. And the best way to do that is to control what students think is fact and false, and who better to determine that but a bunch of left-wing journos.

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