Monday, January 17, 2022

Watch: Joe Biden Doesn't Understand Why the Guy Making Anti-Semitic Comments Took a Synagogue Hostage

Watch: Joe Biden Doesn't Understand Why the Guy Making Anti-Semitic Comments Took a Synagogue Hostage
Brodigan - January 17, 2022 at 07:13AM

Bubba McRedneck took a synagogue hostage over the weekend, demanding the release of the J6 prisoners. If THAT were the information available, who he was and his motive would be all the left and the media (but I repeat myself) talked about. Everything would be Fox News' fault the minute "the suspect was wearing a red hat" came over the wire. But when it's Malik Faisal Akram working with accomplices and demanding the release of convicted terrorist Aafia Siddiqui, as happened in Texas on Saturday, it's hard to pinpoint why Siddiqui did what he did. We may never know his motives. Like we may never know the motives of the SUV that killed people in Waukesha.

While the media and authorities twisted themselves into pretzels trying to avoid assigning motive, Joe Biden deserves an award for this performance. Keep in mind, this was while calling the incident a terrorist attack. There are just a few unclear details.

"I don't think there is sufficient information to know why he targeted that synagogue..."

Ok, if we're being charitable, I SUPPOSE he chose a building out of random. Maybe he knew there was Livestream going on. It's within the realm of possibil--

"Or why he insisted on the release of someone who's been in prison for over 10 years..."

Well, wait. That person in prison is Aafia Siddiqui. AKA "Lady al Qaeda." Who, besides attempting to kill American soldiers and being “an icon among Islamic terrorists,” was also none too fond of the jews. MAYBE we can't paint the full picture yet, but we can at least get the paints and brushes out.

"Or why he was using anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli comments."

Ilhan Omar called. She says, 'Dafuq that old coot say?"

A "man speaking with a British accent" took a synagogue hostage, demanding the release of an Islamic terrorist. While taking the synagogue hostage, he said things that were anti-Semitic and anti-Israel. The jury is still out why the man speaking with a British accent was making anti-Semitic comments while holding a synagogue hostage demanding the release of an Islamic terrorist. We can only hope that both sides show restraint, I guess. At least Biden didn't lie about visiting the synagogue. Yet.

This is why they try not to let Joe Biden talk too much.

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