Monday, January 31, 2022

Poll Shows Massive Opposition to Joe Biden Choosing SCOTUS Based on Color of Skin, Not Content of Character

Poll Shows Massive Opposition to Joe Biden Choosing SCOTUS Based on Color of Skin, Not Content of Character
Brodigan - January 31, 2022 at 07:49AM

Justice Stephen Breyer is retiring from the Supreme Court, giving Joe Biden his opportunity to choose a justice. Biden has already announced she will be a black woman. This sends the message that any man of any race, Latina, Latinx, Muslim woman, Asian woman, Pacific Islanders woman, or mentally challenged woman need not apply. If Biden can find a black woman who is on the LGBTQ spectrum, that's the money spot. But because Joe Biden is Joe Biden and f*cks everything, he finds that Americans oppose choosing a Supreme Court Justice based on nothing but the color of their skin. Like, three-quarters of Americans.

A new ABC Poll shows that 76% of Americans don't want Joe Biden to choose a nominee based on race and gender. Dig deeper, only 28% percent of "non-white" Americans want Biden to only consider a black woman, which is another way of saying a majority of non-white Americans OPPOSE Joe Biden only considering a black woman. Also, 54% of Biden's own party opposes the idea.

My personal opinion? I'm not concerned about who he picks. He'll be replacing a leftist with another leftist. If the pick was going to affect the balance of power like with Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, then release the hounds. But a leftist replacing a leftist who is only retiring so Biden can replace him with a younger leftist? I can think of at least five other major campaign issues more important to focus on.

That's why it's amusing Joe Biden screwed this up. He could have just said nothing. He could have just picked a nominee who happened to be black and happened to be a woman. Everyone would have known he "fulfilled his campaign promise." But because being a Democrat means not only pandering to leftists but also signaling your virtue to them, Biden said it aloud. The President of the United States announced that when it comes to one of the most important decisions of his presidency, he doesn't care about qualifications or adherence to the constitution. That's not as important as the percentage of melanin and possession of lady bits.

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from Steven Crowder Says