Friday, January 7, 2022

Dems Send Jeffrey Epstein Associate Bill Clinton to Woo Sen. Joe Manchin Into Supporting Joe  Biden's Agenda

Dems Send Jeffrey Epstein Associate Bill Clinton to Woo Sen. Joe Manchin Into Supporting Joe  Biden's Agenda
Brodigan - January 07, 2022 at 08:57AM

The only thing that stands between the people who control Joe Biden's soggiest socialist dreams and sanity is Senator Joe Manchin. Democrats tried threatening him. They tried getting Fonzie to bang on a jukebox and make the Lincoln Project cut a commercial. Out of ideas, they are calling in celebrities. Manchin said he's heard from Oprah, Obama, and former Jeffrey Epstein associate Bill Clinton.

Clinton, as reported by HotAir, is best known for being a frequent flier on Epstein's "Lolita Express." Clinton is also an associate of two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Oh, and Bill was president of the United States in the 90s. Though compared to Democrats of today, Clinton might as well be Rush Limbaugh. This is ironic since it's because of the Clintons that we were blessed with Rush Limbaugh and his talent on loan from God.

At issue is Manchin's refusal to vote in favor of eliminating the filibuster. Right now, the Senate needs sixty votes to pass other parts of Joe Biden's radical agenda. The senate currently sits at 50-50, with what's-her-face as the tie-breaker. Liberals want to eliminate the filibuster to cram in every batsh!t crazy idea they have before Republicans sweep them out of power in 2022.

Manchin thinks this is a mistake because once you eliminate the filibuster, and Republicans take control, there is no more filibuster. Then when America elects Ron DeSantis as president, it's game on.

We'll see if Bill Clinton's overtures will sway Manchin. It's also surprising that Democrats didn't send Clinton to woo Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, the other holdout. Sinema seems more Clinton's type, what with her being a woman-American and Bill Clinton being a man-whore.

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