Friday, January 7, 2022

'A Corruption of Science’: NIH Funded 257 Equity Studies Related to COVID, Only FOUR on the Spread

'A Corruption of Science’: NIH Funded 257 Equity Studies Related to COVID, Only FOUR on the Spread
Joseph Gunderson - January 07, 2022 at 09:23AM

The Biden Administration tossed science out the window the moment he stepped foot in the White House. All science, but not “the science,” and “the science” is all that matters, which is why the National Institute of Health (NIH) blew money on 257 studies meant to address “social disparities” related to COVID while only funding four investigating the spread of the virus, says Dr. Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins University.

“So the most basic questions doctors needed evidence for, that [research] was not being conducted.”

While the government was busy funding “equity” research—probably dealing with racial disparities related to vaccine access among inner-city transgender midgets—they were unable to—or refused, rather—to perform the kind of research that would have actually made a difference.

“We were all getting the questions — How does it spread? Do masks work? How long are you contagious for? Can you spread it pre-symptomatic? – All the basic questions of COVID, we did not have answers, because our gigantic $4.2 trillion dollar healthcare system could not do the basic bedside clinical research. […] We had a vacuum of scientific research, and all the doctors were on the front lines without any data to really answer these questions, and that’s when the groupthink began, and guess what ended up filling that vacuum? Political opinions.”

We see how well that went. Dr. Tony “I am the science” Fauci regularly appears in the media spotlight to espouse some new, incredibly irrational sciencey tidbit for his devout followers to start abiding by. Do masks work, Fauci? “Well, no. But also, yes. But, you know, maybe. But also, just shut up, and just do what you’re told, prole!”

Not only has the government dumped money into laughable and ultimately useless research, not only has that same government failed to perform any meaningful research that may have actually have an effect on preventing or treating severe illnesses and death due to COVID, but they’re actively ignoring research, says Dr. Makary:

“Why has the NIH not done a study on natural immunity? It keeps saying, ‘We don’t know.’ They’re ignoring the 141 studies that have been documented by the Brownstone Institute. […] Martin Kuldorff—who has (sic) the Harvard professor, now he’s at Brownstone Institute—has summarized the 141 studies on natural immunity, and so, when Fauci gets on the TV and says, ‘We just don’t know about natural immunity,’ well, do the study. How hard is it? This is not the riddle of the sphinx. You can figure out how many people have been reinfected from the original days of New York and had severe illness.”

Yeah, we know why they don’t want to address natural immunity, though. It’s hard to get everyone to comply with demands to inject the vax when so many people have already had the COVID and are good to go with immunity. Also, I’m sure Fauci wants to save all the money he can to finance his little shop of horrors on the island of Dr. Moreau.

Summing up this entire situation, though. Makary hit the nail directly on the head, and it should scare the pants off of anyone who values truth and objectivity.

“The ‘greatest lesson’ of the COVID-19 spread […] is how a ‘corruption of science’ and ‘distortion of science’ lead to ‘shutting down of scientific discussion.’”

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