Monday, October 18, 2021

DOOCY Calls Out Biden Ignoring Mask Mandates, Psaki Says to Ignore Biden's Hypocrisy

DOOCY Calls Out Biden Ignoring Mask Mandates, Psaki Says to Ignore Biden's Hypocrisy
Brodigan - October 18, 2021 at 01:54PM

Joe Biden loves wearing masks. Or, to be more precise with language, he loves to make you wear masks. He really loves making your children wear masks, even though those of us with functioning brains find that to be psychotic. When it comes to wearing a mask himself, our puddingheaded president has been acting as if rules are for the commoners, not Joe Biden, who was caught peacocking his way around a Washington DC restaurant sans mask.

DOOCY asked White House Soulessspokesginger Jen Psaki what Biden's deal was. What follows is the video of their exchange, followed by my dramatic interpretation,

DOOCY: President Biden claims to follow "the science" as "the science" is defined by the unelected bureaucrats at the CDC. Yet even though there is totally sciencey mask mandate in Washington DC, the president was strutting around without a mask. Kinda hypocritical, don't you think?

PSAKI: We would prefer it if you didn't focus on the president being a hypocrite. Honestly, we're lucky enough when he remembers his pants.

DOOCY: Yeah, but there is a number of people from your party, the Democratic party, mandating the little people wear masks while they don't.

PSAKI: We would prefer it if you ignored their hypocrisy, as well.

DOOCY: With all due respect, if the reason for wearing masks is steeped in that old-timey science like "the science says it is," shouldn't the president lead by example?

PSAKI: With all due respect, the science just told me you need to wear three masks. Just you, Doocy.

I guess we should look for a silver lining. At least he was surrounded by grown-ass adults. There have also been reports of Biden maskless around children that he sniffs. But the media does their best to suppress "Biden with kids" stories.

Like bossman Crowder says, it's not the hypocrisy. It's that they don't care about the hypocrisy because they know there are no consequences.

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from Steven Crowder Says