Friday, May 7, 2021

Asian-American Parent Disembowels School Board Over 'Anti-Racist' Virtue-Signaling

Asian-American Parent Disembowels School Board Over 'Anti-Racist' Virtue-Signaling
Brodigan - May 07, 2021 at 12:28PM

Watching parents destroy local school boards is always enjoyable. Your heart goes out to the parents, but it's still satisfying seeing useless elected officials get wrecked for being useless. Facebook "fact" checkers can exhale because unlike some recent examples, this doesn't have to do with the pandemic. It does however have to do with critical race theory and the pathetic way officials pander in the name proving how "anti-racist" they are.

It would appear the board was discussing a proclamation to signal their virtue on how Asian American hate is a bad thing. Though apparently not as bad as when liberals thought they could blame it on white Trump supporters. Asra Nomani, a self-described Muslim feminist and anti-CRT liberal, was less than impressed. She then proceeded to put the Fairfax school board on blast member by member.

I sit here listening to these EMPTY proclamations and declarations that you're making about your "great value" of Asian Americans. You tell us about you going ... to Japanese restaurants? ... Just a few weeks ago in "social emotional learning" at TJ, our students were told that if they do salsa dancing, it amounts to cultural appropriation and that they needed to"check their racism," and that is our MOSTLY MINORITY, MOSTLY ASIAN students. And so your empty proclamations are just that.

I wish I could have seen the faces of the school board as she made them cry mean-girl tears. I'm willing to bet at least a few of them were mayonnaise-looking crackers. Who most likely enjoy mayonnaise on crackers.

What's most important isn't the topic as much as this video hopefully inspiring you. Her specific complaints don't matter as much as her having the lady balls to show up and say something about it. Leftists are coming for your kids in one form or another: CRT, mask mandates, boys in girls' sports, replacing Steak-um Tuesday with vegan gruel, etc. They can only get away with it if parents don't get informed, get involved, and speak out.

It's easy to get distracted by national politics. But the more local the politics are, the more important it is to you and your family.

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