Monday, May 24, 2021

SHOW NOTES: John Oliver's 'Stand Your Ground' Lies DEBUNKED!

SHOW NOTES: John Oliver's 'Stand Your Ground' Lies DEBUNKED!
Brodigan - May 24, 2021 at 09:38AM

John Oliver had a lot of stupid things to say about "Stand Your Ground" laws. We pick them apart one by one. Pope Tony Fauci had his biggest COVID flip-flop to date, and this one proves Donald Trump RIGHT! Also, another example of how Gretchen Whitmer is a horrible governor.



  • John Oliver had a segment opposing "Stand Your Ground" laws. SOURCE: YouTube
  • "Stand your ground" is not only about guns. It is a law stating, "Stand Your Ground: No duty to retreat from the situation before resorting to deadly force; not limited to your home, place of work, etc." SOURCE: FindLaw
    • It's one of three main laws. The alternatives are:
      • Castle Doctrine: if a defendant is in his home, he is not required to retreat prior to using deadly force in self-defense. (some states include a place of work and occupied vehicles). SOURCE: Cornell Law
      • Duty to Retreat: requires a person as a first response to back away or flee from a threatening situation rather than attempt self-defense by deadly force. SOURCE:
  • In NON-stand your ground states or countries, people defending their own families or properties have been charged with murder.
    • In 2014, 25-year-old Youssef Abdelgawad of Huntington Station, NY was arrested and charged with manslaughter for defending his mother's home during an attempted burglary. SOURCE: LongIsland.Com
    • In 2018, 78-year-old Richard Osborn-Brooks of the UK was arrested for stabbing an intruder who was already wanted by police for a separate burglary. SOURCE: Guardian
    • In 2010, firearms instructor Ian Thomson of Canada was initially charged with four offenses after defending his home from intruders. SOURCE: Huffington Post
  • Many states are either Duty to Retreat states or Castle Doctrine states. SOURCES: World Population Review, Reason
    • 23 States with Castle Doctrine laws.
    • 15 states with Duty to Retreat laws.
    • 8 states have both. SOURCE: Reason
  • 70% of Floridians who use the Stand Your Ground Law defense go free, John Oliver says. He thinks that's horrifying.
    • 76,000 of violent California inmates have been re-released into the state. SOURCE: The Center Square
    • Just two months after Bill de Blasio eliminated cash bail in New York City, 482 people released under the new law committed 846 new crimes. SOURCE: Politico
        • NYC
          • SHOOTINGS up 97% from 2019. SOURCE:
          • HOMICIDES up 44% from 2019.
          • BURGLARIES up 42% from 2019.
          • HOMICIDES up 70% from 2019. SOURCE:
          • ROBBERIES up 46.6% from 2019.
        • ARSON UP 69.5% from 2019.
        • PORTLAND
  • Since 1994, gun ownership has gone up 38%, and handgun ownership is up 71%. SOURCE: Guardian
  • Concealed carry has gone up 621% from 2.7 million permits in 1999 to 19.4 million in 2020. SOURCES: SSRN, SSRN
  • But violent crime has constantly gone down, with the exception of the BLM surge of 2020. SOURCE: Statista
  • Compare California to Florida:
    • CA: Only 92,000 concealed carry permits and 4.3 violent crimes per one thousand residents. SOURCES: GunsToCarry, PPIC
    • FL: 1.3 million concealed carry permits (only required to register concealed carry, meaning there are probably way more guns in the state) and 3.7 violent crimes per one thousand residents. SOURCES: AJC, Neighborhood Scout
  • In 2018, nearly half of ALL federal crimes occurred at the Southern Border. SOURCE:
  • Regarding the Joe Horn story. SOURCE: ABC
    • The two burglars were illegal immigrants from Columbia.
    • Horn went outside after he saw one of the burglars leave with a bag of cash and jewelry.
    • Horn went outside to confront the burglars and ordered them to stop before shooting.
    • Horn's attorney Tom Lambright told ABC News the two burglars charged Horn, causing him to fear for his life.
    • A grand jury failed to indict Horn.


  • Anthony Fauci said he's 'not convinced' COVID-19 developed naturally and called for further investigation. SOURCE: Poynter
  • But on May 5th, he told Politico: "The overwhelming likelihood, Fauci said, is that the virus passed from bat to human, via another species, as SARS and MERS did, rather than leaking from a lab." SOURCE: Politico
  • He also fought Rand Paul over this less than two weeks ago. SOURCE: YouTube
  • Donald Trump claimed that it could have started in a lab a year ago. SOURCE: Twitter
  • Fauci undercut Trump in a National Geographic Interview. SOURCES: NatGeo, CNN, CBS
  • America's trust in Fauci has eroded by 42% in one year. SOURCE: Trafalgar

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