Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Jordan Peterson Destroys Theory 'Real Marxism Has Never Been Tried' in Under Sixty Seconds

Jordan Peterson Destroys Theory 'Real Marxism Has Never Been Tried' in Under Sixty Seconds
Brodigan - May 26, 2021 at 06:47AM

The problem with communism, socialism, marxism and all the other -isms is that the right person hasn't tried it yet. Not even Karl Marx, who has his own -ism named after him. This is the belief of many a leftist who views the world with their heads lodged up each other's rectums. If they would pull their head out of their partner's butt and wipe the vegan fecal matter off their nose, they would see Jordan Peterson destroy everything they hold dear in under a minute.

They won't listen, because if you're that big of a leftist douchelord you probably think Peterson is a [solve for x]-phobic. But anyone watching with functional brain cells will learn something. This clip making its way around the internet again is JP at his finest.

"Well, that wasn't real Marxism." What it really means, and I've thought about this for a long time, it's the most arrogant possible statement anyone could ever make. It means, "If I would have been in Stalin's position, I would have ushered in the Utopia instead of the genocidal massacres because I understand the doctrine of Marxism and everything about me is good."

The founders of the Black Lives Matter LLC 401(c) political organization PAC, who admit to being trained Marxists, probably feels the same way. Our vice president has what some consider to be Marxist tendencies as well.

Well, think again, Sunshine. You don't understand it. And you're not that good. And if the power was in your hands, assuming you had the competence, which you don't, you wouldn't have done any better. And even if you had, there would have been someone else waiting right behind you to shoot you the first time you actually tried to do something good. And that's what happened to the old guard who ran the damn revolution. Stalin rounded them all up and shot them along with their families and millions of other people. So even if you do happen to be that avatar of moral purity that you claim implicitly, the probability that you'd get to act out your goodness in relation to those possessed by your ideology is ZERO.

But I'm sure if YOU tried your -ism of choice, you'd be more better at it.

I miss this Jordan Peterson. He's mellowed a lot after his recent health issues, and I'm glad we at least still get him in podcast form. But at the peak of Petersonmania, his brain would go into kill mode and leave bodies lying in its wake. Metaphorically speaking, of course. He isn't Karl Marx. Marx killed actual people. Jordan Peterson only "kills" the ideas that made Marx a thing.

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