Thursday, May 13, 2021

Latest Woke US Army Recruiting Ad Reaches Unheard-of Levels of Cringe

Latest Woke US Army Recruiting Ad Reaches Unheard-of Levels of Cringe
Brodigan - May 13, 2021 at 08:25AM

An edict went out throughout the Joe Biden-run government. Stop what you're doing and focusing on what your mission used to be, and focus more on pandering to the woke Twittersphere. The U.S. Army hit this one out of the park. It checks off almost all of the boxes: feminism, LGBTQAIIP, activism, and even sneaks in a little white privilege. Just for some extra seasoning. I guess throwing in a BLM riot would have been too much. Though, the Army did make it look like a Disney cartoon. Because when I think of wokeness lately, the first thing that comes to mind is Disney.

Seriously, this is why the Marines laugh at you people.

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