Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Hero 10-Year-Old Kid Hammers School Board Over Mask Mandate: 'None of This Makes Any Sense ...'

Hero 10-Year-Old Kid Hammers School Board Over Mask Mandate: 'None of This Makes Any Sense ...'
Brodigan - May 18, 2021 at 01:46PM

You tell 'em, kid! We've all been enjoying videos of grown-ups telling school boards where they can stick their mandates. This future senator and/or guest host of Louder with Crowder is easily all-time best in the genre.

Yes, Facebook "fact' checkers. I know this ten-year-old isn't an approved scientist. It's a cute video of a true patriot. Don't be dicks.

A lot of [the rules] didn't make any sense to me. Like the fact that we were not allowed to play on the playground or have student council. OR turn to face each other at lunch. And we also have to wear masks outside at P.E. and on track. I love my school and all, but my teacher seems really stressed and that makes me feel bad.

One teacher walks around with a clipboard full of referrals for any student whose mask isn't on properly. It makes me feel scared. That same teacher yells at us for having our mask down to drink water while we are outside at car line. She told us we had to wait until we were in our parent's car to have a drink of water. SHE had HER mask down the entire time while SHE was yelling at US. ...

This happens a lot. And it seems unfair that teachers take their masks off while they yell at us kids and that we need to pull ours up. I asked my mom if there's a word for this and she said there is. HYPOCRISY!

First of all, the fact that little man went down to a school board meeting to narc out his teachers can't be overlooked. In the olden days, kids would be told to shut up and that if your teacher yelled at you, you probably did something. This kid -- with grapefruits way too big for someone so small -- felt a sense of civic duty. I needed a moment to myself to chant "USA! USA! USA!" before continuing with the next paragraph.

The other thing is a potential silver lining in this entire 'rona brouhaha. Junior Tucker Carlson here is about the same age as my niece, who talks to me all the time about how none of the rules make any sense. Everything about them is "dumb" and "stupid." Her words, not mine. But only because I'm allowed to use cuss words. She and some of her friends have many of the same complaints as little man does.

If nothing else, the past year has been an example for impressionable kids of just how stupid government is and bureaucrats are. They may not be able to spell "bureaucrat," but they know bureaucracy sucks. They've experienced it firsthand. The pandemic could very well have created a generation of based third- and fourth-graders. If they stay that way, the future might be okay after all!

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