Sunday, May 16, 2021

Cop Car Tosses Protesters Blocking the Highway. They Were Warned.

Cop Car Tosses Protesters Blocking the Highway. They Were Warned.
Brodigan - May 16, 2021 at 07:52AM

Israel is currently defending itself from a terrorist attack. You may have missed the news as the media focused on Liz Cheney, but it's kinda a major thing that's going on now. Surprising to no one, Antifa is on the side of the terrorists. They took to the California streets to yell, wave flags, and be wastes of DNA and fecal matter. At one point, this socialist brain trust decided to swarm a cop car.

We've seen what happens when protesters try to square up with police vehicles. It never works out for the protesters. Their scrawny vegan arms are no match for metal, horsepower, and a driver who just doesn't give a rip. You would think at some point these protesters would wise up. But if they had a full-functioning brain amongst them, they'd have jobs and be useful contributions to society. In this instance, the cop clearly and loudly repeats what was going to happen if they don't move. They don't move.

COP: Get out of the way. I'm not going to tell you for an eleventieth time.

ANTIFA DOUCHE: Nuh-uh, I'm going to push you back with my muscles.

COP: I was hoping you would say that ...

*Cop cues up Downing Pool's "Bodies" on Spotify and hits the gas*

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