Thursday, May 13, 2021

Ron DeSantis Offers Full-Throated Defense of Our Ally Israel: 'Hamas Is an Absolute Disgrace'

Ron DeSantis Offers Full-Throated Defense of Our Ally Israel: 'Hamas Is an Absolute Disgrace'
Brodigan - May 13, 2021 at 09:38AM

The benefit of Ron DeSantis being America's governor is that he gets to fine-tune his domestic policy. Florida is his mini-America to play with. Anything he does for school choice, pro-law enforcement bills, or Big Tech reform becomes an example of what he can do for America. But there's not much he can do foreign-policy-wise other than issue statements. Not a lot of foreign entities declaring war on Florida. Yet.

DeSantis' first foray into international waters is a STRONG one. He addressed the Israel/Hamas conflict.

"I have friends over there who have been having to hide out in bomb shelters overnight, because of Hamas, which is a terrorist group, raining down rockets on civilians."

"And make no mistake, Hamas is a terrorist group," DeSantis continued. "They are at fault on this. Israel has every right to defend itself against Hamas. And I think if you look at what's going on here, it really isn't so much about Israel, it's about Hamas trying to stake a claim to be the leader of the entire Palestinian Authority." ...

"But our ally Israel has a right to defend themselves and what's going on by Hamas is an absolute disgrace."

It's an easy and accurate statement. This is a movie we've seen before. Hamas unwarrantedly attacks Israel. Israel defends itself as every other country does when attacked. People -- progressive douchey liberal people -- ignore Hamas starting it, then say that "both sides" need to show restraint. In America, only one side needs to show restraint. Liberals can't be too pro-Israel. Just look what happened to poor Andrew Yang.

I'm not sure how well versed Ron DeSantis is on global goings-on. I don't expect him to be at this point. But this is a good first start.

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