Wednesday, May 26, 2021

SHOW NOTES: President Biden Admin Bows to China AGAIN!

SHOW NOTES: President Biden Admin Bows to China AGAIN!
Brodigan - May 26, 2021 at 09:16AM

Today, we illustrate what John Cena and Joe Biden have in common. HINT: It involves China and bending over. Also, antisemitic hate crimes are on the rise even though the media wants to ignore them. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is a hypocrite. ESPN hates Tebow. And there were gunshots at the George Floyd Square memorial. Go figure.



  • Earlier this week, Governor Whitmer apologized for violating her own COVID restrictions by dining with more than six people indoors. SOURCE: Twitter
  • Just after the photos of her in the restaurant were released, Whitmer lifted the dining restrictions. SOURCE: Detroit Free Press
  • This came after some 6,000 restaurants in Michigan permanently shut down, and restaurant owner Marlena Pavlos-Hackney was arrested for keeping her pizza place open. SOURCES: Detroit Free Press,
  • Before Memorial Day weekend last year, Governor Whitmer told Michiganders to "be smart" and remember they're safer at home. Then her husband tried to dock their boat at their summer home, yet again violating the state travel restrictions. SOURCES: Twitter, ABC
  • Whitmer criticized Michigan "snowbirds" for traveling to Florida and blamed them for Michigan's COVID spike. SOURCE: Twitter
    • Gretchen then traveled to Florida before she was vaccinated. SOURCE: Newsweek
    • During one of the worst Covid spikes in January, she traveled to Washington DC for Biden's inauguration. SOURCE: Twitter
    • Whitmer is actually under federal investigation for her Florida trip. SOURCE: Click On Detroit
      • She used a private plane mostly funded by Michigan Transition 2019, a nonprofit that usually provides inauguration and transition funds. SOURCE: WXYZDetroit
      • The nonprofit contributed some $27k for the private jet, while Whitmer herself only paid $850.
  • Throughout the pandemic, Whitmer constantly asked Michiganders to social distance despite attending a crowded BLM march with NO social distancing in June 2020. SOURCES: MSNBC, CBS, Twitter


  • Last week, Tim Tebow signed a contract with the Jacksonville Jaguars as a tight end. SOURCE: ESPN
  • Stephen A. Smith, who claimed Tim Tebow was just benefitting from "white privilege." SOURCE: LwC
  • Why did Tebow get a shot in the NFL as a tight end?
    • According to Urban Meyer, Tebow got a workout with the Jaguars because they were very concerned about the tight end position and lack of depth in the draft at tight end. The tight end coach worked him out and he was given a shot at making the team. SOURCE: Sports Illustrated
    • Despite the facts, Stephen A goes one step further and claims that the protests (aka riots) following George Floyd's death were about the proverbial "knee on our neck" and this is just another example.
  • Colin Kapernick facts
    • In the 2015 season, Kaepernick ranked 35th in the NFL and one of the worst quarterbacks in the league. SOURCE: Fox Sports
    • In 2016, Kaepernick was ranked 23 in the NFL with a QBR of 49.3. SOURCES: Pro Football, NFL
    • He couldn't even memorize the NFL playbook so they had to simplify it! SOURCE: Oregon Live
    • The NFL gave Kapernick a tryout in 2019. He moved it at the last minute and limited scouts. SOURCE: New York Times

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