Tuesday, May 25, 2021

John Cena Caves to China, Apologizes for Calling Taiwan a 'Country'

John Cena Caves to China, Apologizes for Calling Taiwan a 'Country'
Brodigan - May 25, 2021 at 06:36AM

Wrestling fans are fond of singing "John Cena sucks" whenever the wrestler turned actor comes down to the ring. It's meant to be playful. Turns out it's an accurate way to describe what Cena does at life. He was in China doing promotional work for F9, where he said Taiwan was the first country that could see F9. Unfortunately, China gets very angry when Taiwan is acknowledged as its own "country." Cena was forced to apologize, effectively making him a wrestler turned actor turned cuck for the Communist Chinese.

Ask yourself what's more embarrassing: Cena issuing an apology, or the fact there's an audience for a NINTH installment of the Fast & Furious franchise?

Since he's talking funny talk, here's the translation:

"Hi China, I'm John Cena. I'm in the middle of Fast & Furious 9 promotions. I'm doing a lot of interviews. I made a mistake in one of my interviews ... I have to say something very, very, important now. I love and respect China and Chinese people. I'm very, very sorry about my mistake. I apologize, I'm very sorry. You must understand that I really love, really respect China and the Chinese people. My apologies. See you."

So we're all on the same page. There was a civil war 70 years ago where Taiwan split from China. Taiwan considers itself single and independent. China says no. Beijing considers any mention of the breakup to be a major "red line" and has "been increasingly trying to use its economic power to police speech on the topic around the world." Cena joins people like LeBron James in the time-honored tradition of bending over for the Communist Chinese Government. The same CCP who says it's going to drive America to its death.

The saddest thing is, while I know it's just a wrestling gimmick, this is the same John Cena who talks about "hustle, loyalty, and respect" and runs down to the ring with a towel that says "Never give up." Yet at the first sign of China possibly not giving the studios lots and lots of money, Cena couldn't give up fast enough. Not only did Cena give up, he didn't have the balls to say the word "Taiwan" in the apology. China held up a "If Taiwan Gets Freedom, We Riot" sign and Cena laid down to do the job.

But hey, as long as they make enough money to justify Fast & Furious 10, amirite? Maybe The Rock can reprise his role as Agent Hobbs and we can finally get the rubber match between the two of them.

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