Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Don Lemon Begs Mother to Follow Science and ... Take Off Her Mask

Don Lemon Begs Mother to Follow Science and ... Take Off Her Mask
Brodigan - May 11, 2021 at 08:58AM

CNN is the recognized leader in Pandemic Panic Porn. Whenever you see someone having a meltdown over someone not wearing their mask good enough, the smart money is that person isn't getting their info from BlazeTV. They're getting it from the network with the bright purple death counter running 24/7. The network that shamed people who have even slightly challenged the official narrative. The network that based their editorial decisions on what would be worse for Trump. The same network who watches Fox News and complains about their pandemic coverage. That CNN.

So when Don Lemon goes on CNN and bashes his mother for still living in fear ... c'mon son.

She chipped her tooth during the pandemic and she won't go to the dentist. And I say, “Mom, you can go to the dentist, it's safe." Sanjay is going to do a house call on her because this is real, people are having trouble reemerging into society.

And if you are going to say during the entire pandemic and I am talking to you, mom and I'm talking to you my other friend – and I won't say your name because she'll get mad at me. If you are going to say I believe in the science and the scientists, then now on this side of the pandemic, then you must believe in the science and scientists as well.

Some of us have been maskless outside this whole time. Living in (mostly) silent judgment of those wearing them. I wonder where Don Lemon's mom learned to live in such fear?

To be kinda fair to Lemon, Joe Biden doesn't help. Whenever Americans start to show the slightest bit of hope, Biden puts on an extra mask and stands out in an empty field just to be spiteful. People like Don Lemon's mother are just following the former vice-president's example. We're a news cycle away from Biden sending his aide to gather up every mask in a five-mile radius and sewing them together as a new suit. The virtue signaling is strong in Biden.

But people have been taught to live in constant fear for over a year. Any time anyone attempted to provide the slightest bit of hope, they were shut down. They were shut down on CNN and by people like Don Lemon. Instead of putting his mother on blast, he should take a look at the cryon under his smug face. Then take a look in the mirror.

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