Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Who Loves America More? Two Baseball Players Battle Over Who STANDS for the Anthem the Longest

Who Loves America More? Two Baseball Players Battle Over Who STANDS for the Anthem the Longest
Brodigan - May 11, 2021 at 07:34AM

The national anthem only gets written about lately if someone kneels for it. Ever since backup quarterback Colin Kaepernick didn't feel like standing one day, kneeling for the anthem has become the best way was to signal your virtue. To the point of leftists attacking you for NOT kneeling. It's refreshing to see two athletes not only stand for the anthem but see who can stand for the anthem more better than the other guy. That's what happened before Monday's game between the Pittsburgh Pirates and the Cincinnati Reds.

According to Outkick:

Reds third baseman Alex Blandino and Pirates pitcher Luis Oviedo stood and kept their hand on their hearts even after the national anthem ended in a competition of their own … and it lasted for almost 10 minutes. As the teams began to take the field and officials prepared to begin the game, the two players stood just outside of their dugouts and let the preparations happen around them.

The question is whether this is because of patriotism or because of bros being bros. There's only a 1% chance this WASN'T worked out between Blandino and Oviedo ahead of time. It would have to be. Both players had to have known battling over who STANDS for the anthem the longest would get attention. The fact that there may have been a friendly wager on who won is just an added bonus. My vote is for bros being patriotic bros.

Is this me politicizing something that wasn't political? Mayhaps. But I don't make the rules. And Colin Kaepernick is currently trending because Tim Tebow signed with an NFL team while Kap remains unemployed by his own choosing. If we're opening a new front on the culture war over who kneels again, I'm happy to highlight two athletes who stand.

Even if Blandino and Oviedo were just clowning on each other, it's still kinda cool.

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