Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Cop Gives Reporter Citation for Breaking Pandemic Restrictions and 'Shaking Someone's Hand'

Cop Gives Reporter Citation for Breaking Pandemic Restrictions and 'Shaking Someone's Hand'
Brodigan - May 25, 2021 at 01:34PM

Oh, Canada. If there was a way to trade you Anthony Fauci for Jordan Peterson, I'd be all about it. He'd fit in perfectly as your Minister of Shut Up and Do What Government Says. Various pandemic restrictions in America were stupid, pathetic, and pointless. But at least they weren't Canada bad. In Canada, they are borderline Soviet. Canadians can get arrested for having more than six people in their home. They can also, as this video shows, fine you for SHAKING SOMEONE'S HAND.

No, seriously. The cop actually handed the guy a ticket for shaking hands. It violated the "Reopening Ontario Act."

According to BizPacReview, the reporter was covering a Freedom Rally that I think was outside a police station or some other government building. This is where the story gets really pathetic, based ENTIRELY on the comments of the police officer.

Dudely Doo-Right here was inside the building. Gazing out the window and jealous of his fellow Chaknuckleheads enjoying freedom on their faces. He spots the reporter covering the gathering of more than five people. From a considerable distance away -- because he was INSIDE A BUILDING -- Officer Doo-Right determines that the reporter shook someone's hand and was less than six feet away.

So the cop then writes up the citations BEFORE EVEN SPEAKING TO THE REPORTER, leaves the air-conditioned office, and hands the reporter his citations. The crime? Touching another human being's hand. Shaking hands is currently illegal in Canada. Punishable by $1440 worth of fines.

If it were me, I'd pay in 1,440 hundred of those stupid Canadian dollar coins in a canvas sack. Possibly, a canvas sack with an artist depiction of a Mountie being serviced by his horse and the words "this is you."

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