Thursday, May 20, 2021

Viral Video Draws Drastic Comparison Between Ronald Reagan's Leadership vs. Joe Biden's Crankiness

Viral Video Draws Drastic Comparison Between Ronald Reagan's Leadership vs. Joe Biden's Crankiness
Brodigan - May 20, 2021 at 07:33AM

Joe Biden is a cranky, discombobulated, easily confused old coot. One who may or may not be suffering from senility or dementia. Though while it's easy to blame the 77-year-old Biden's behavior on his age, there's is a good chance he's just a giant jerkface. Ronald Reagan was 78 when he was president, and he was always able to string together entrances and keep his temper in check. Also, he was better at running the country.

This video is a handy comparison of the two. You may have read yesterday about Biden lashing out at the Coast Guard during a speech. Here's the thing. Ronald Reagan gave an almost identical speech when he was president. "The Coast Guard is that hard nucleus about which the Navy forms in times of war." Let's see how both presidents deliver the line AND how it's responded to.

For Reagan they were all like:

For Biden they were all like:

At which point Joe Biden shook his fist, called the audience a bunch of young punks, and threatened to fight people. He didn't say those words out loud. But you could tell he was thinking them. Biden also failed a cardinal rule of public speaking. If your audience isn't captivated by your speech, you don't blame the audience and lash out at them. Not that a joke or one-liner can't help. But Reagan would have said something self-deprecating, pulled a "is this thing on" as he tapped the mic, or made a crack about the commies. He would never call an audience dull. Not in jest, and especially not an audience of service members.

That's because even at the same age, Ronald Reagan is a leader. Joe Biden is a cranky geezer.

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