Thursday, May 20, 2021

Caitlyn Jenner Under Fire for Sharing 'Transphobic' Meme Comparing Her to ... Rachel Levine?

Caitlyn Jenner Under Fire for Sharing 'Transphobic' Meme Comparing Her to ... Rachel Levine?
Brodigan - May 20, 2021 at 06:53AM

Both Caitlyn Jenner and Dr. Rachel Levine have shattered glass ceilings. Jenner became the first transgender Olympian who won a gold medal decades before transitioning. Rachel Levine became the first transgender assistant secretary of a presidential administration. Many progress! Very inclusivity! You would expect unity, but Jenner broke another glass ceiling. She is the first transgender icon to be excommunicated from the tribe for having an opinion the tribe disagreed with. Jenner is angering her former allies again sharing this meme from Donald Jr.

Jenner shared it on Instagram with a "tears of laughter face" emoji, before deleting it. Though, it wasn't removed fast enough because the left is big mad. Gossip blogger Perez Hilton had this to say:

#CaitlynJenner most definitely does not look like this in real life - without all the hardcore Photoshop and pounds of makeup. Plus, she's ugly on the inside!

"Transparent" star Alexandra Billings was nastier:

You have no regard for human kind and no space for the knowledge of it. You are fearful of both yourself and any kind of newness and you navigate with a well of anger in your heart that is deeply disturbing. And apparent to all of us. But again, I see it because I know it.

I don't know what any of those words mean.

It's a meme. Memes should only be judged on a scale of stupid to hysterical. Thinking a meme is dumb is one thing. Thinking that the person who shared a meme has a blackened soul that is full of hate means you aren't getting the proper amount of oxygen to your brain. Open a window, or maybe go outside to get some fresh air. Back away from the internet.

The irony in all this is the people who believe there are 217 different genders also believe there is only one acceptable opinion for all those genders to have.

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