Wednesday, May 26, 2021

There it is: Ted Cruz Gets Biden's ATF Director to Admit Under Oath: 'I Want to Ban the AR-15'

There it is: Ted Cruz Gets Biden's ATF Director to Admit Under Oath: 'I Want to Ban the AR-15'
Brodigan - May 26, 2021 at 01:01PM

If you are an American even marginally concerned about the second amendment, you've no doubt been mocked by leftists. "You silly rube. Democrats aren't coming for your guns." Even when Joe Biden said he's coming for our guns and nominated an anti-gun looney tune for ATF Director, we're the ones being paranoid. We're told it's insane to think that the government is coming for our guns. Independent "fact" checkers say so.

Today, Ted Cruz got David Chipman -- the looney tune in question -- to testify under oath he plans on banning guns. It may not be what he said verbatim, but it's pretty damn close.

TED CRUZ: You said your views on guns are NOT out of step with the American people. Do you still want to ban the AR-15, the most popular rifle in America? It's a rifle and NOT a machine gun. Contrary to what some other people ::cough:::youridiotboss::cough:: think.

DAVID CHIPMAN: Senator, you're g*ddamned right I want to ban the AR-15. Also, thank you for the Dr. Pepper.

Quickly, am I the only one who thinks Chipman reminds them of Uncle Arthur from Bewitched?

Joe Biden's nominee for Alcohol, Tobacco, and FIREARM Director, under oath, admitted that he wants to ban the AR-15. Chipman said UNDER OATH that he wants to ban the most popular rifle in America. The Biden Administration is coming for your guns.

An "independent" "fact" checker may say that statement is false. Joe Biden isn't literally coming for your guns himself. But the guy whose job it will be to do so just admitted under oath he wants to do so. It's bad enough.

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