Friday, May 28, 2021

Clay Travis Advises Woman Whose Husband Refuses to Take Mask Off During Sex

Clay Travis Advises Woman Whose Husband Refuses to Take Mask Off During Sex
Brodigan - May 28, 2021 at 07:44AM

Clay Travis was named as one-half of Rush Limbaugh's replacements on Thursday, along with Buck Sexton. It's fitting. While El Rushbo never said so out loud, I'm sure he too was fond of boobs and the First Amendment. Travis joined Tucker Carlson and made it clear he's going to tackle the issues that truly matter to the American people. Such as what to do if your significant other is so addicted to panic porn, they won't take their mask off even during coitus.

It's in reference to a woman who wrote to Slate. Her husband insists on staying masked up during sex making. Quote: "When I have tried to present him with the science, he says, 'Scientists don't fully understand the virus yet.'" Travis dropped some sage-like advice.

from Steven Crowder Says