Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Non-Profit Launches Campaign Exposing Truth About 'Woke' Companies, Backed with Seven-Figure Ad Campaign

Non-Profit Launches Campaign Exposing Truth About 'Woke' Companies, Backed with Seven-Figure Ad Campaign
Brodigan - May 18, 2021 at 12:18PM

A majority of Americans oppose companies getting involved in woke politics. A majority of Americans oppose woke bullsh!t in general. The problem is the minority of woke leftist twats are louder and organized around the belief that if you have a platform, that platform needs to be used to promote leftist politics. Or else! People can say how dumb Gina Carano's firing was all they want. All it takes is a handful of losers on Twitter to complain and she gets fired. The minority accuses people and companies of -ists and -isms. The majority is too busy having a life. Shook corporations with no testicles cave to the minority.

Consumers First Initiative looks to give Americans looking to buy a sneaker or drink a soda WITHOUT supporting the Democrat Party a choice. Their hook? Pointing out how companies pander to wokeness as a way to distract from what horrible people they are normally.

"American Airlines shrunk legroom for passengers and laid off thousands of employees during the COVID pandemic while receiving billions in taxpayer bailouts. Coca-Cola and Nike have both been exploiting foreign, potentially forced, labor in China while American workers suffer. It is time these corporate giants were called to task," said Will Hild, Executive Director of Consumers' Research.

from Steven Crowder Says