Friday, May 21, 2021

DeSantis Fires Up Pennsylvania Audience. I Dare You to Tell Me This Isn't His Presidential Campaign Speech

DeSantis Fires Up Pennsylvania Audience. I Dare You to Tell Me This Isn't His Presidential Campaign Speech
Brodigan - May 21, 2021 at 01:24PM

I jokingly refer to Ron DeSantis as "America's Governor," but it's more an honorary title. Unlike Andrew Cuomo (or even Joe Biden), DeSantis is more deserving of the moniker. But he really just governs over Florida. He has no reason to be giving a speech in Pennsylvania. Unless, of course, you were only just born this morning and don't realize that's what potential presidential candidates do before they become official candidates. Ron DeSantis spoke to the Allegheny County Republican Committee's Lincoln Day Dinner. Pittsburgh is in Allegheny County. Allegheny County is in the swing state of Pennsylvania. Follow?

Sit back and enjoy the whole speech, which is a summary of DeSantis' record. The part that will make you run through a wall is in the end.

from Steven Crowder Says