Wednesday, May 12, 2021

YouTube Suspends LWC AGAIN! Applies Second Hard Strike on Channel

YouTube Suspends LWC AGAIN! Applies Second Hard Strike on Channel
Courtney Kirchoff - May 12, 2021 at 09:14AM

Here we are once again. YouTube issued a second hard strike on the StevenCrowder channel, barring us from publishing content for 2 weeks. YouTube also hit the CrowderBits channel with a hard strike, barring us from publishing content for one week. Why, you ask? YouTube said the video about the Columbus shooting violated their harassment, threats and cyberbullying policy. I can't link to you the video in question, only tell you the podcast episode is still available, as are the Show Notes: WAKE UP! Columbus Police Shooting of #MaKhiaBryant Was JUSTIFIED! | Louder with Crowder.

According to YouTube:

YouTube Creators share their opinions on a wide range of different topics. However, there's a line between passionate debate and malicious harassment. Content containing targeted harassment including, but not limited to, stalking, threats, bullying, and intimidation is not allowed on YouTube.

This is an interesting note which we'll revisit. YouTube emailed attorney Bill Richmond and specified what about the video violated their policy:

In particular, this video violated the aspect of the policy that prohibits "content reveling in or mocking the death or serious injury of an identifiable individual." Accordingly, the video has been removed and a strike has been applied to the Steven Crowder channel. This constitutes the second active strike on the Steven Crowder channel and, as a result, uploads are now suspended for two weeks.

The video they're referring to didn't revel in the death or serious injury of an identifiable individual. It seems YouTube is unhappy the studio crew agreed the shooting of a teenager trying to stab another was justified. White, black, hispanic, or identifying as a transgender alien, if you're trying to stab someone else and get shot by an officer, sorry, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

This seems like an excuse to issue just another strike. A second strike. Three strikes and the channel is gone.

We did a little skipping through YouTube memory lane, though. Since YouTube says it doesn't like harassment of identifiable individuals, we thought we'd see if we could find other notable mentions on YouTube of hosts mocking identifiable individuals. Not public figures, just regular folks. You know. Since harassment can't be tolerated.

Here's what we found:

So, what does this all mean? We're doing our due diligence on the legal fronts. We're still going to put on a live show for you, because that's what we do. You'll be able to watch the show for free on our live page: but note that this isn't a player you can just scrub to where you want to watch, or rewind if you missed it. So be there when the show starts around 10am ET, my friends!

You should also become a Mug Club subscriber. We've said this for years, YouTube is after us, they don't seem to like our exercising of free speech. Do you need any more evidence? With a Mug Club subscription, you can catch the live show, watch it after it's gone live, interact with the show via the chat, and access the rest of BlazeTV's conservative lineup.

Lastly, stay in touch with us. Sign up for our newsletter, follow us on Instagram, and buy our merchandise at Crowdershop to show your support for free speech.

from Steven Crowder Says