Saturday, May 15, 2021

Pride Parade Tells Gay NYPD Group They Aren't Welcome to March

Pride Parade Tells Gay NYPD Group They Aren't Welcome to March
Brodigan - May 15, 2021 at 08:43AM

Love is love. Born this way. F*** the police. One of these slogans is not like the others unless you live in New York City. Where political activists known for virtue-signaling over "inclusion" have told the New York Police Department's Gay Officers Action League they're being excluded from the parade.

"It is demoralizing that Heritage of Pride (NYC Pride's formal name) didn't have the courage to refer to GOAL by name in its announcement, referring to us only as 'Law Enforcement Exhibitors. The label is not only offensive but dehumanizing for our members."

It is unclear why "law enforcement exhibitors" are kicked out of the parade this year. But one can easily guess. The Pride Parade's ideological comrades have made their unhinged hatred for any police officers clear. The disrespect goes from the White House all the way down. Plus in New York City, you only count has a marginalized group if you agree with all leftists politics. If it were "Gays for Gun Rights" or "Trump 2024: Make America Gay Again," I'm sure those groups would be told they were excluded from the inclusive parade as well.

I do have one question though. Because for years, there was drama over a gay group being excluded from the St. Patrick's Day parade. Politicians like Bill DeBlasio started boycotting the parade because it wasn't being "inclusive" enough. I wonder if DeBlasio or any other of the half-a-commie NYC politicians are going to have the balls to speak out against this. The same goes for everyone trying to out socialist each other in the NYC mayoral primary. Judging by the way city "leaders" have made it clear they'll throw cops under the bus if it scores them a single political point, I doubt it.

The next step will be to remove the color blue from the rainbow flag. Wouldn't want to trigger anyone.

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