Thursday, May 20, 2021

ESPN Host Goes On White-Privilege Rant Against Tim Tebow, Compares Him to George Floyd

ESPN Host Goes On White-Privilege Rant Against Tim Tebow, Compares Him to George Floyd
Brodigan - May 20, 2021 at 02:11PM

Tim Tebow signed with the Jacksonville Jaguars today. You knew the hot takes would be scorchers. Stephen A. Smith's will melt your face off. Smith manages to undermine his argument before making his argument. Then, as part of his argument, compares anger over a mediocre football star getting a job to anger over GEORGE FLOYD. It's an impressive Socratic dialogue.

I start the video about two minutes in. If you care about Max Kellerman virtue-signaling about Colin Kaepernick, start it from the beginning.

from Steven Crowder Says