Thursday, May 27, 2021

Ron DeSantis Drops News That Will Terrify Democrats: Lockdowns Make Voters Switch to GOP

Ron DeSantis Drops News That Will Terrify Democrats: Lockdowns Make Voters Switch to GOP
Brodigan - May 27, 2021 at 01:42PM

One of the great ironies of America is how voters - Democrat ones - will vote for politicians who raise their taxes and make cost of living unaffordable. When it gets to be too expensive, they'll move. And continue to vote for the people and policies that caused them to leave their previous home. Texans are seeing it as more and more Californias bring their regulations and homeless with them. It's concerning for free red states seeing the migration of people leaving locked down commie states. Not Ron DeSantis though. According to America's Governor, the people moving to Florida are smarter than that.

The media at the beginning of this said Florida's bad, even though the facts didn't say it. Like literally last April, they're saying Florida is doing worse than New York. New York was like 10 times worse. The people that buy those phony narratives for these media probably aren't coming to Florida.

The people that see through it think like us. I think a lot of these people are coming. I think they are registering as Republicans overwhelming I also have come across a lot of people who, quite frankly, were Democrats. The lockdowns turned them into Republicans.

"Yeah, but of course DeSantis says that. He's a Republican." Maybe. But what he said is backed up by a lot of the 2020 election results, both nationally and at the state level. There was mainly just one key election that didn't work out for Republicans, only we can't discuss that one on Facebook. Voters saw what party was most to blame for their over-regulated suffering, and it wasn't Ron DeSantis's party. It was the Democrats. The same ones who fifteen months after "15 Days to Flatten the Curve" were still the most misinformed about the 'rona and governed as such.

It was the Democrat states that most prevented you from going to work or running your business. It's was the Democrat cities across the country preventing your kids from going back to in-person learning. It's leftists today who are trying to hold on to any control they have over you. For example, what are the summer camp mask guidelines where you live?

The problem, which is always the problem, is if Republicans are smart enough to take advantage of this. It requires messaging, reaching out to communities you don't normally reach out to, and a record of actual accomplishments. Even getting two out of three of those can be too much to ask for with a lot of our "leaders." Ron DeSantis is someone who pull off the hat trick.

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from Steven Crowder Says