Sunday, May 23, 2021

Video Catches Piece of Garbage Bus Driver Smacking Little Girl Because She Wasn't Masked Up Properly

Video Catches Piece of Garbage Bus Driver Smacking Little Girl Because She Wasn't Masked Up Properly
Brodigan - May 23, 2021 at 07:43AM

You don't put your hands on kids. You don't put your hands on girls. It takes a special kind of scumbag to slap a ten-year-old girl. Bertram Jaquez is that special kind of scumbag. The now-former bus driver was caught on camera smacking a little girl for the crime of not wearing her mask properly. She was wearing her mask. But it was under her nose. That's a no-no in Fauci's America.

The incident happened back in early April on a route home in Fremont County. Several girls were arguing about masks in the back of the bus. In a written statement to the school, the 10-year-old girl says she wasn't feeling well so she moved her mask below her nose. She goes on to say the bus driver, Bertram Jaquez, came to the back of the bus to see what was happening. She writes he tried to move her mask up, and then she says he slapped her for not moving the mask up.

Jaquez issued a statement saying, and I quote, "Out of reaction, I slapped her once." He faces misdemeanor charges including harassment, assault, and child abuse. How child abuse is only a misdemeanor is a question for legal nerds. I'm mostly disappointed our Constitution has rules against cruel and unusual punishment. Judge Brodigan would rule the driver needed to be locked in the bus for ten minutes with the girl's father and uncle. Just to see what happens. You know, out of reaction.

What we've put kids through over these past fifteen months after "15 Days to Flatten the Curve" is horrible enough. The adults in charge should all be ashamed of themselves that a ten-year-old even needed to be wearing a mask. Slapping a kid because her nose was exposed, I can only hope that when Jaquez starts jail time, one of the guards lets his cellmates know what he's in for.

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