Friday, May 14, 2021

Prince Harry Calls First Amendment 'Bonkers,' Reminds Americans Why We Broke Up with England

Prince Harry Calls First Amendment 'Bonkers,' Reminds Americans Why We Broke Up with England
Brodigan - May 14, 2021 at 07:56AM

Harry David is the former Prince of England. Born into the world's most famous welfare family, he made the mistake many men have made before him and chose his obnoxious and nagging wife over his family. Now, the former Prince Harry is slumming it in Hollywood living life as a pauper. He's only really, really, rich as opposed to being royalty. Like people who move from California to Texas and want to bring crappy California policies with them, Harry thinks there is too much free speech in America.

A point he alluded to as a guest on celebrity Dax Shepard's podcast.

He also complained of the media "feeding frenzy" he experienced while living in Tyler Perry's mansion and hinted that he did not appreciate the First Amendment, which protects freedom of speech and freedom of the press in America, saying: "I've got so much I want to say about the First Amendment; I still don't understand it, but it is bonkers."

Let's put aside the fact Harry went from the palace to shacking up at Madea's house.

The best way to summarize the First Amendment in America is like this. I can tell Prince Harry to go choke on a bag of dicks, and his grandmother can't do anything about it. It's actually one of the top reasons America broke up with his family and is never, ever, ever getting back together. America is a thing because of how much England blows. Former Prince Harry is living in America because of how much England blows. Also, because his wife made him and keeps his testicles in her Christian Louboutin.

Harry may specifically have been concerned with what the left refers to as "misinformation." It's a big word to describe any opinion the left doesn't like. When Harry expressed his confusion over the "bonkers" concept of free speech, he was criticizing Joe Rogan for recent comments the podcaster made. You know the comments. I'd remind you of them, but Facebook has the same opinions on free speech as Harry.

I would however like to hear more on Harry's thoughts about what makes the First Amendment bonkers. Bonkers to me? Arresting people after ordering them not to do journalism. I also find it bollocks to convict someone for bad tweets and crackers to send someone to jail over YouTube videos.

If Prince Harry wasn't such a wanker, he might understand that.

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