Monday, May 24, 2021

Kevin Spacey Makes Hollywood Comeback as Cop Investigating a Pedophile. Yes, THAT Kevin Spacey!

Kevin Spacey Makes Hollywood Comeback as Cop Investigating a Pedophile. Yes, THAT Kevin Spacey!
Brodigan - May 24, 2021 at 12:53PM

It's been a minute since we've heard from Kevin Spacey. The actor was best known for winning an Oscar as a guy trying to sex up his teenage daughter's bestie in American Beauty. Then he got #MeToo'd out of existence. An interesting thing about Spacey as opposed to some of his other scumbag peers? He had a very particular interest in people under a certain age. But it's Hollywood and they'll forgive anything other than voting for Donald Trump. Spacey is set for a big comeback in an upcoming movie playing a cop.

A cop, investigating a dude accused of being a pedophile.

Spacey, 61, will play a police officer investigating the case of a man – played by the director, Franco Nero – who can draw people by listening to their voices, despite not being able to see and is wrongly accused of sexually abusing children.

Ah, so not only is the person accused of being a pedophile, the person is also blind. All but guaranteeing an Oscar. Or, outrage from the Blind Actors Consortium after they (don't) see another role going to an actor of sight privilege.

Director Franco Nero says he's thrilled Spacey agreed to participate in ... ARE YOU PEOPLE F*CKING KIDDING ME?!?

Side note: I have the alphabet song stuck in my head, but can't remember the lyric that comes between "L-M-N-O-P" and "R-S-T-U-V."

Kevin Spacey PREYED on minors (allegedly). He was pulling Cosby numbers (allegedly), only with people who were underage. It appears that's NOT a career killer in Tinseltown. Because not only is Spacey being allowed to make a comeback that other actors aren't -- actors, mind you, who have only been accused of #MeToo'ing a single, legal-aged person -- the protagonist is someone "falsely accused" of being a pedophile.

Hollywood is going to let a scumbag who (allegedly) preyed on MULTIPLE minors make a comeback playing a guy coming to the defense of an artist accused of preying on minors. This is a thing that is actually happening,

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