Wednesday, May 12, 2021

CBS News Offers Brief Moment of Honesty: Who Freaking Cares About Liz Cheney?

CBS News Offers Brief Moment of Honesty: Who Freaking Cares About Liz Cheney?
Brodigan - May 12, 2021 at 12:46PM

We have a border crisis. A jobs crisis. A budding inflation crisis. People are concerned about gas shortages. On top of all that, Israel is under attack again, and members of Joe Biden's party can't stop being anti-Semitic about it. But the top story in the news? Liz Cheney was voted out of GOP leadership. You see, all the other stories involve how much the current president sucks. The House GOP making an internal decision on the third-string leader involves Trump. By complaining about Trump, the media doesn't have to report the news about Biden.

Even though as Major Garrett accidentally let slip, this affects the American people ZERO!

For everyday Americans, it is NOT significant. I mean, we're talking about the number-three leader in the House Republicans, which is the minority party in the House. Now, this is no aspersions against the Republicans, but that's like the third-string quarterback on the JV high school football team.

You just don't have any power in the House of Representatives, and we're talking about the number-three leader. For Americans trying to figure out whether they should buy a gallon of gas or not or worried about inflation, this does not affect their life.

Shortly after, Garrett remembered he was employed by the liberal media and claimed Liz Cheney was "symbolically" important. To bring everyone up to speed (in case you missed yesterday's O.J. Simpson endorsement), ever since Liz Cheney voted for Donald Trump's impeachment, she has lost the confidence of the congressmen she is supposed to lead. You can't lead people without their confidence, so today she was removed from her position. That's the story. It's all the media is talking about right now.

Now do an exercise with me. Think about everyone you know. Think about how many of them are struggling due to the lockdowns. How many are struggling because the unions are blocking in-person learning. Think about how expensive everything has gotten throughout the country. Depending on where they live, think about their concern about the border. Or how they can afford inflated gas prices if they can even find gas. Mentally pull out 10, 100, however many people you feel like. Don't ask yourself how many of them you think care about Liz Cheney. Ask yourself how many of them even know who Liz Cheney is.

The media wants the distraction. It prevents them from having to report actual news that matters.

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