Friday, May 21, 2021

AOC Effect? Pro-Palestinian Mob Assaults NYC Jews with Incendiary Device: 'F*** you, Zionists!'

AOC Effect? Pro-Palestinian Mob Assaults NYC Jews with Incendiary Device: 'F*** you, Zionists!'
Brodigan - May 21, 2021 at 08:05AM

New York City-based social media influencer Congresswoman AOC is considered by critics to be anti-Israel. Any time she has an opportunity to side against Israel on behalf of the people who want to destroy Israel, she's all about it. Recently she spoke out on the terror attacks being launched against Israel, tweeting out to her Rep. AOC stans that Israel is an apartheid state. So when people who feel the same about Israel take to the streets of New York City to commit hate crimes against Jewish Americans ...

From the Daily Mail:

A number of vehicles carrying people waving Palestinian flags and shouting racial slurs were captured on videos, driving through Manhattan's Diamond District, home to many Jewish-owned businesses.

One pro-Israel protester was punched in the stomach when he fought to retrieve his flag.

New York police said it is too early to tell who threw the fireworks. However, on social media some claimed that they were hurled by pro-Palestine activists toward a group of pro-Israeli demonstrators.

When white supremacists marched in Charlottesville chanting, "They will not replace us," there was non-stop coverage denouncing it. Also, it was blamed on Donald Trump's "rhetoric." You may have heard the words "very fine people" thrown around. There was also non-stop coverage denouncing Asian-American hate. That was also blamed on Donald Trump's rhetoric calling the Wuhan virus the "China virus." Though in that case, once the media realized most of the perpetrators of anti-Asian hate weren't white MAGA-Americans, they started to lose interest.

If these are the rules, that vicious hate speech from influential Americans is what leads to these attacks, Congresswoman AOC's incendiary rhetoric should be to blame here. Though it's not just here. It's Rashida Tlaib. It's Ilhan Omar. It's the entire progressive-enforced BDS movement. And it's the entire Democrat Party that doesn't have the balls to denounce extremist colleagues. That includes Joe Biden and his administration.

Anti-Israel Democrats regularly say anti-Israel things. Activists who support those anti-Israel things are shouting slurs at Jewish Americans and throwing fireworks at them. The media will ... most likely be talking about anything else today.

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