Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Black Business Leaders Unload on Stacey Abrams: She Speaks for White Liberals

Black Business Leaders Unload on Stacey Abrams: She Speaks for White Liberals
Brodigan - May 12, 2021 at 07:54AM

Stacey Abrams became an icon in national politics by losing the 2018 Georgia governor's election by over 50,000 votes. Then by claiming she didn't lose the election. Then by launching a generation of BlueAnon conspiracy theorists claiming she didn't lose the election. She also may or may not be responsible for businesses boycotting Georgia over the state's commonsense election reform. It all depends whether you believe your own eyes or the "independent" "fact" checkers circling the wagons for her.

Though while she is every white liberal's best black friend who allows them to never have to check their own privilege, not everyone is enamored by the not-governor. A group of black business leaders are speaking out, wanting people to know that Abrams doesn't speak for them.

Raynard Jackson, founder and chairman of the Black Americans for a Better Future Education Fund:

Stacey Abrams doesn't speak for the Black community; she speaks for the White liberals who bankroll her political ambitions. Stacey Abrams doesn't actually care about making it easier for Black people to vote; she only cares about making it easier for Democrats to vote.

Dr. Lisa Babbage of the Georgia Black Republican Council:

Black people aren't stupid, but Stacey Abrams treats us like we are when she suggests that we aren't even capable of obtaining a photo ID. Frankly, it's insulting that corporate leaders were so willing to go along with her narrative of Black helplessness, and it's patronizing that they thought they were advancing the interest of Black voters by opposing this common-sense effort to ensure free and fair elections for all Georgians.

Don't mind me. I'm just nodding along while eating my potato salad with extra raisins in it.

Though their criticisms aren't ones we haven't heard before. Jason Whitlock has echoed the same. Black people are the only voters who have "no political freedom." It's the way white liberals want it. They handpick a few people based on how much melanin they have in their skin, make sure they agree with their every white liberal political whim, then declare them to be the official spokespeopl of all African Americans. Should an African American disagree, those same white liberals confuse them with one of their uncles.

It would drive me insane if my leaders constantly talked down to me, saying that I can't live my life without their help. Or that I somehow don't lack the skills to obtain an ID so that I can vote. Call it a hunch, but I believe a vast majority of all races agree. They're just not the ones who get invited on cable news by white liberals.

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