Wednesday, May 12, 2021

New York Rewarding Vaccinated Fans by Giving Them the WORST Seats in the Ballpark

New York Rewarding Vaccinated Fans by Giving Them the WORST Seats in the Ballpark
Brodigan - May 12, 2021 at 12:50PM

New York sports fans have been watching sports teams in free states like Florida and Texas with jealousy. Ballparks and arenas filled to capacity. Maskers and non-maskers sitting next to each other in harmony. Everyone too busy enjoying overpriced beer again to care about shaming their neighbor on social media. NY is finally getting its chance. Gov. Chris' Idiot Brother said the Yankees and Mets can open at full capacity, kinda. There will be vaccinated sections. Then not-vaccinated sections where social distancing is still enforced.

If you think this sounds Jim Crow-like, it does! But only for the vaccinated people. According to Outkick, this is what the seating chart looks like.

They're rewarding you for being vaccinated by making you sit in the NOSEBLEEDS SEATS!

From a messaging standpoint, this is more incompetent than the Biden administration. Joe Biden is looking at this saying "this is anti-science" just before he puts on his third mask and goes for a walk outside.

For sake of argument, let's agree with the narrative that getting your shots is the "right thing to do." The idea is to encourage people to get their shots. If you want to see a ballgame, it'll take two shots in the arm. At least, that's the attitude of New York politicians. The message allegedly being sent by the Mets is that your bonus for "doing the right thing" is to have your own VIP section in an area that isn't VIP. This doesn't mean the vaccinated can't buy seats with the unwashed, unvaxxed masses. But if you are among the more fear-receptive among the "right" group and don't want to associate with anyone making a different decision, bring an inhaler and some binoculars.

With enough backlash, if this is the plan, I can't imagine things staying this way. Not even the Mets are that stupid. Then again, they are the Mets.

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